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    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen?


    Anzahl der Beiträge : 1453
    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen?

    Beitrag von Ali Di 21 Jan 2014 - 23:26

    Jodi Arias Update: New Trial to Start March 17

    January 13, 2014 06:51 PM EST

    Over a year after the beginning of her original trial, the retrial of Jodi Arias is scheduled to begin March 17. This is when jury selection will begin, as the original jury who heard her case was unable to decide if the appropriate punishment is life or death.  

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? S23gI5lu

    As many people remember, the Arias trial dominated the headlines last year, as Jodi stood trial for the brutal 2008 murder of her one-time boyfriend, Travis Alexander, in his Mesa, Arizona home. She was found guilty of premeditating the crime, in which she drove several hours and made advanced preparations to ensure no one would know she was there.  
    And America watched the whole thing. Every crime scene and autopsy photo, the tens of thousands of text messages and emails, and the phone sex tape were all made public. This new trial will be dramatically less public, as Judge Sherry Stephans has opted to not allow video recording and electronic devices in the court room.
    If the new jury is still unable to reach a unanimous decision about whether Jodi Arias should be sentenced to death, or allowed to live out her remaining years in prison, the death penalty option will be taken off the table. It will then be up to the judge whether she will be eligible for parole in 25 years. However, it's hoped by "Team Travis" that the new jurors will be able to look past the things presented as "mitigating factors" to the real fact: She murdered him. That's really the only thing that should matter.  
    Photo credit: ABC News

    Mordfall Travis Alexander

    Der Mordfall Travis Alexander ist ein Kriminalfall der jüngeren US-amerikanischen Rechtsgeschichte mit einem außergewöhnlichen Medieninteresse.[1] Der 31-jährige Geschäftsmann Travis Alexander wurde am 4. Juni 2008 in seiner Wohnung in Mesa (Arizona) mit zahlreichen Messerstichen getötet. Das öffentliche Interesse war unter anderem deswegen so groß, weil die Gerichtsverhandlung gegen die Hauptverdächtige, Jodi Arias, vor laufenden Kameras stattfand, Gewalt und Pornografie zentrale Rollen spielten und sich die Angeklagte in Widersprüche verstrickte, die sie für das Schwurgericht zunehmend unglaubwürdig erscheinen ließ. Arias wurde der Mord (First Degree Murder) an ihrem Ex-Freund Travis Alexander nachgewiesen, wie das Gericht, der Maricopa County Superior Court, am 8. Mai 2013 bekannt gab.

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    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Re: Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen?

    Beitrag von Ali Di 21 Jan 2014 - 23:40

    Sex, Obsession und Eifersucht: Im Jahr 2008 tötete Jodi Arias ihren Liebhaber mit 29 Messerstichen und schoss ihn anschliessend in den Kopf. Die Tat an sich ist unstrittig, Motiv und Tathergang sind jedoch noch nicht abschliessend geklärt - Arias stritt zunächst ab und lieferte danach unterschiedliche Versionen zum Verlauf. Nun erklärte die 32-Jährige vor Gericht, sie habe aus Notwehr gehandelt.

    Jodi Arias machte vor dem Gericht in Phoenix am 4. Februar 2013 neue Aussagen: «Die einfache Antwort ist, dass er mich angriff und ich mich verteidigt habe.»

    Seit Anfang Januar wird der blutige Tod ihres ehemaligen Liebhabers verhandelt.

    Der Fall sorgt in den USA für Aufsehen: Am 4. Juni 2008 wurde Travis Alexander (30) in seiner Wohnung in Mesa, Arizona, mit unfassbarer Gewalt getötet. Seine Leiche wies 29 tiefe Stichwunden in den Körper, eine durchtrennte Kehle und Pistolenschüsse ins Gesicht auf. Die damals 27-jährige Jodi Arias wurde schon bald als mutmassliche Täterin ausgemacht. Sie und Alexander waren zu jener Zeit offiziell getrennt, unterhielten jedoch noch eine sexuelle Beziehung. In der Wohnung des Opfers fanden sich nach der Tat zahlreiche Spuren, die auf Arias hinwiesen. Freunde des getöteten Kaufmannes gaben zu Protokoll, dass sie schon zuvor auffällig geworden sei. Nach Angaben von Alexander habe sie ihn gestalkt, sein Facebook-Konto geknackt und ihm die Autoreifen zerstochen.

    Todesstrafe droht

    Seit Anfang Januar steht Arias in Phoenix vor Gericht und im Falle einer Verurteilung wegen Mordes droht ihr die Todesstrafe.
    Am Dienstag gestand sie die Tat vor dem Richter. Auf die Frage ihres Verteidigers, warum sie Alexander getötet habe, erwiderte sie nun erstmals: «Die einfache Antwort ist, dass er mich angriff und ich mich verteidigt habe.»

    Der spektakuläre Fall bekommt damit eine neue Facette, die Arias vor der Todeszelle bewahren könnte. Die Verteidigung will offenbar zeigen, dass Jodie Arias in der Beziehung mit Alexander misshandelt wurde und dieser sie unterdrückte. Als Indiz soll ein Foto gelten, das die Angeklagte in einem rosa Slip zeigt, auf dem der Name «Travis» prangt.

    Selbst Opfer häuslicher Gewalt?

    Das allein dürfte die Jury jedoch nicht überzeugen, weshalb im Prozess weitere Fakten aus dem Leben von Arias ins Feld geführt wurden. Seit ihrem siebten Lebensjahr sei die Angeklagte, wie auch ihre Geschwister, von den Eltern systematisch geschlagen worden. Unter Tränen gab die Angeklagte zu Protokoll: «Mein Leben war perfekt - bis ich sieben wurde. Dann begannen meine Eltern mich zu schlagen … Mein Vater benutzte einen Gürtel, meine Mutter trug stets einen Kochlöffel in ihrer Handtasche.»
    Wie die Angeklagte weiter ausführte, begleiteten sie körperliche und seelische Gewalt auch, nachdem sie bei ihren Eltern auszog. Ihre erste grosse Liebe habe sie nicht nur betrogen, sondern auch gewürgt und ihr einmal fast den Arm gebrochen.

    Heute soll der Prozess in eine neue Runde gehen. Das letzte Wort in diesem verwickelten Fall dürfte damit aber längst nicht gesprochen sein. Noch etliche Details zur Tötung an Travis Alexander bedürfen einer Bewertung durch das Gericht.

    Quelle nicht mehr verfügbar

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 1453
    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Jodi Arias in court January 13, 2014

    Beitrag von Ali Mi 22 Jan 2014 - 0:29

    Jodi Arias will be in court January 13 for Oral arguments.

    This case has to be the most unfair trial in history. Jodi was lynched by the news media, and nobody will dare speak up for this woman with no financial resources.
    She does have supporters with no voice, but the facts of the case have never been properly published in newspapers or broadcast.
    The defense case was never clearly presented at trial, and even less so in the news media.

    Some facts not widely reported:

    1. Jodi was not a stalker, as a  domestic violence expert testified. Travis was in fact in a sexual relationship with Jodi.Jodi is a gentle non-violent person
    2. Jodi’s story agrees with the physical evidence
    3. Prosecutor Juan Martinez’s story does not agree with the physical evidence
    4. The stolen ammunition does not match the recovered bullet
    5. The back wounds are shallow : Jodi did not stab Travis from behind
    6. It’s much more likely the abuser attacked the abused person
    7. How could the Camera move down the hallway if Jodi attacked Travis?
    8. The “secret mission” makes no sense.
    9. Jodi very probably did return the third gas can to Walmart, the jury never knew about a store relocation in 2010.
    10. It makes no sense that Jodi would lie about this trivial matter – use of a third gas can has no evidential value either way.

    This video  shows Dr Horn apparently confused about his own autopsy report, making a ridiculous claim that there is a “typographical error” in it.

    It is about time Jodi had a fair trial both in court and in the media. Such a trial would conclusively prove that Jodi acted in self-defense, and should have been found not guilty. Jodi maintains her innocence and will be appealing.

    For further independent information on the case please see
    For public discussion please see

    These sites are managed by intelligent, unpaid independent advocates for the wrongfully convicted.


    Anzahl der Beiträge : 1453
    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Jodi Arias Jury Can't Agree on Death Sentence

    Beitrag von Ali Mi 22 Jan 2014 - 1:01

    Interview mit einem Hater.

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    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Re: Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen?

    Beitrag von Ali Mi 26 März 2014 - 17:02

    Jodi Arias trial date put aside due to prosecutor's conflicting trial

    The March trial date set for convicted killer Jodi Arias has been put aside because of a conflict prosecutor Juan Martinez has with another potential death-penalty trial.

    But defense attorney after defense attorney dropped the case, each time pushing the trial further back in time. It is now set for May 12 before Judge Joseph Kreamer.

    Jodi Arias retrial date for penalty phase set again

    The retrial will finally begin on September 8, 2014

    Jodi Arias: Lawyers Will Withdraw if Jury Finds Out She Wanted Kirk Nurmi Fired

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? JHriXaNJ

    Jodi Arias doesn't want her new jury to know what she thinks of her lawyer, or about a former cellmate who claims Arias wants prosecutor Juan Martinez killed.

    Two motions filed in Maricopa County Superior Court today ask Judge Sherry Stephens to stop the information from coming out in the upcoming sentencing-phase trial.
    If the new jury hears about an October 22 handwritten motion Arias made for a change of counsel, both of her lawyers will have to withdraw from the case, one of the new motions states.

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    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Re: Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen?

    Beitrag von Ali Mi 26 März 2014 - 17:06

    Jodi Arias Trial Update: Defense Attorneys Request Two Heavily-Covered Events Stay Out of the Courtroom

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Z3De4mpy

    Jodi Arias' defense team is trying hard to keep two heavily-covered events out of the Maricopa County Superior Courtroom.

    Lawyers have filed two motions with the court as of Feb. 13, requesting Judge Sherry Stephens prevent the retrial jury from hearing about Jodi Arias' attempt to switch out her attorney and claims that Arias wanted to kill prosecutor Juan Martinez.
    The first motion calls for Judge Stephens to keep a 15-page letter written by Arias on Oct. 22 out of the jury's sight. In the 33-year-old Arizona resident's request, she asked the judge to give her another defense attorney, saying she didn't trust lawyer Kirk Nurmi. She reportedly wrote that he didn't "like her," citing an "utter poverty of people skills."

    Anzahl der Beiträge : 1453
    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Mitgefühl für eine Mörderin

    Beitrag von Ali Sa 29 März 2014 - 12:30

    Im Fall Jodi Arias kann ich nicht wirklich zu einer Meinung kommen, da ich sehr schwer beurteilen kann, ob sie ihre Tat aus Notwehr begangen hat oder nicht.  Question

    Parallelen zum Oscar Fall sehe ich, im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen, allerdings keine.

    Auch wird der Jodi Arias Fall nicht vor kompetenten Richtern vorgetragen, sondern von einem höchst zweifelhaftem  Staatsanwalt  pig  vor einer sehr wahrscheinlich "minderbemittelten" Jury.  drunken 

    Eines aber ist klar, dass keiner (!),  egal bei welcher Schwere der Tat, in einem zivilisierten Rechtssystem mit der  Todesstrafe hingerichtet werden darf. ( In Südafrika 1995 abgeschafft ) 

    Ich wünsche Jodi Arias, dass sie im schlimmsten Fall mit lebenslänglich davonkommt oder eben im günstigsten Fall ihre Verteidigung NOTWEHR auch überzeugend beweisen kann.


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    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Re: Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen?

    Beitrag von Ali Sa 29 März 2014 - 12:52

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? JG16dyqy

    Travis Alexander Calls Himself ‘A Sociopath’ In Shocking Emails Not Shared With Jodi Arias Jury
    Posted on Mar 29, 2013 @ 9:33AM | By Alexis Tereszcuk

    Testimony in the Jodi Arias trial on Thursday centered around emails that were described as showing that Travis Alexander’s friends believed he was abusive to women, but has the specifics of the shocking emails that were NOT read to the jury, including one in which Travis allegedly called himself a “sociopath.”
    Jodi has claimed that she killed Travis after he “attacked” her, and she was defending herself against him, and that she was a victim of his physical abuse multiple times during their relationship.

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    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty spotlightonlaw

    Beitrag von Ali So 30 März 2014 - 0:01

    Objections raised to Juan Martinez's conduct in Jodi Arias trial


    Spotlight on Juan Martinez

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? WFK3qvPM

    Fact based reporting
    By Rob Roman

    “Mr. Martinez, you keep trying to make this a rational scenario, and it isn’t rational.” – Expert defense witness

    For Juan Martinez, there are no “irrational” scenarios about a murder. Murder is against the laws of God and man. There is a victim here. A human being is dead in an unnatural way. The defendant is the accused. Many hours of police work and investigation have been rendered. The defendant has been brought to trial. Juan Martinez is going to trial to put them in a cage. A conviction will slam the door shut. When the conviction survives appeals, the door will be locked. That is the only rational response to murder.

    Juan Martinez doesn’t want to hear about any exceptions to the rule. He doesn’t want to hear “this is not what it seems”. The defense always seems to have an excuse, a rationalization, explanations, and alternate scenarios. The prosecution must prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt. All the defense must show is any doubt, any doubt at all. The prosecution needs a unanimous jury to convict. The defense only needs one juror on their side to jam the wheels of justice. If you get a conviction, an appeal can change a sentence, send the case back to trial, or even free the defendant.

    Seeing this from Juan’s perspective, one can see why he may feel like the system is against the victims of crime.  To Juan it’s truly an “adversarial system” and he will fight to win. When the death penalty is involved, the two sides tend to go too far and we might be losing a search for the truth. Winning the conviction becomes more important than the truth. Juan’s black and white way of viewing crime works well most of the time. But sometimes there will be someone in the defendant’s chair who is innocent of the crime charged. Sometimes this person gets stuck in the wheels of justice. Many innocent defendants have been convicted and jailed and some have been executed. So we must always be sure a trial is a search for the truth, even if sometimes the guilty person is set free. The prosecution and the defense both play vital roles in this process. The rights of victims must be carefully balanced with the rights of the accused.

    During the final arguments in the guilt phase of the Jodi Arias murder trial, lead Defense attorney Lawrence Kirk Nurmi talked about shining a spotlight on the actions of the prosecution, specifically detective and co-counsel Esteban “Steve” Flores and the sole prosecuting attorney, Juan Martinez. The implication was that Mr. Martinez had acted improperly during the trial. I believe Detective Flores to be an honest man who only followed Dr. Horne’s opinion and he tried to help Jodi at the interrogation.

    Of the enthusiastic trial watchers in the Jodi Arias case, there is also a spotlight on Juan Martinez. Prosecution supporters (Justice4Travis), see him as a “bulldog” a hero who tenaciously pursues the defendant until he can wrest a guilty verdict. Defendant supporters (Team Jodi) see him as over the top, going too far, and using a combination of emotionally charged persuasion, some direct evidence and some speculation to sway juries to render a guilty verdict.
    There are many ways a prosecutor can win a case. There is hard work, attention to detail, experience, excellent direct and cross-examination of witnesses, and preparation. There is also a fierce devotion to the job of bringing a dangerous criminal to justice. Finally you will need a good grasp of the evidence, and know how to explain and persuade a jury that your evidence is sound. Juan Martinez is all of this and more.
    He is passionate, dedicated, and I believe he sees the defense as having too many advantages in the system. I believe he employs methods normally used by defense attorneys to persuade the jurors to see things his way. Juan Martinez is known for using wild speculation and “facts” not supported by the evidence in his closing arguments.
    Maybe the truth is not in the extremes but somewhere in the middle. We can shine the spotlight on past and present cases to try to determine what is motivating the prosecutor with the impressive 19-1 record, Juan Martinez.

    -Respectfully I’d like to thank Mr. Martinez for giving me the realization there’s someone fighting for victims. My father was brutally murdered in 1990, very similar to what happened to Travis Alexander.
    It was very brutal I lost my faith in the judicial system after what my family went thru and watching the way these murderers have all the rights yet the victims do not. Mr. Martinez, as I see it, represents a man who I wish there were more of. He is God’s light and I wish him all the best in this world where sometimes I think our society’s become blind to so many things…
    And if anything at all, perhaps some could look at this man and appreciate what he does for so many. He is truly an asset to the state. As for Ms. Arias, I hope for the victims’ family…Justice.
    -Juan Martinez is the best. So sick of the trash that is going around surrounding this case. Who is on trial here?
    -I think he is the best. If I ever need a lawyer he’s it. No BS with him. Why waste time with guilty killers?
    Juan is the second youngest of a family of nine. He came to America at age 6 when his family immigrated and settled in California. He vowed to learn English well and be a success. He participated in many activities, such as running long distance track in high school. He finished college and attended ArizonaStateUniversity where he earned his law degree. Juan did some volunteer legal work and some work defending clients. Then, in 1988, he joined the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office.

    What is in Juan Martinez’ heart and mind? We can try to have a better understanding of him by knowing his feeling. In this world and surely in Arizona, there is crime and there are criminals. There are vicious and violent senseless crimes and uncaring evil and cruel criminals. Juan is very aware of this. Let’s take a look at the A B C’s of the convicts now on Arizona’s Death Row.


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    Anmeldedatum : 04.12.13

    Wird Jodi Arias einen fairen Prozess bekommen? Empty Jodi Arias Trial - Juan Martinez Closing Statement

    Beitrag von Ali So 30 März 2014 - 1:03

     Question  Question  Question

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